Our Goal

The College aims to help all pupils achieve their fullest potential in academic and extracurricular areas. In our teaching we aim to stimulate, help and challenge each student, and this aim is supported by good communication with parents and regular reporting. There is a Parent Teacher Meeting for all year groups (except Transition Year) each year. We expect students to aim for high academic standards and we are proud of achieving consistently excellent examination results. Many of our students have received third level academic scholarships over the years. The majority of our students go on to study at Third Level.

We offer a curriculum that is balanced, integrated and stimulating. To support the learning tin the classroom, students are involved in various competitions and field trips e. g. BT Young Scientist, Fingal Enterprise Board Business Awards. The college responds to the educational requirements of a changing world and to new initiatives as outlined by the Department of Education and Skills. The Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate curricula of the Department of Education & Skills are followed. All students sit the Junior Certificate examination at the end of third year. Transition Year is an optional programme offered after third year. All students sit the Leaving Certificate examination at the end of Sixth Year

Balbriggan Street, Skerries, Co. Dublin
01 849 0011
Galway & Roscommon Educational Training Board
© 2025 Skerries Community College